POLCYB International Law Enforcement Cybercrime Award (I.L.E.C.A.)
The POLCYB I.L.E.C.A. recognizes Innovation and Good Practices
pertaining to Cybercrime Prevention, and/or Detection, and/or Response…
The Society For The Policing Of Cyberspace (POLCYB) is pleased to announce the “POLCYB International Law Enforcement Cybercrime Award 2025” (I.L.E.C.A. 2025).
Pacific Standard Time (British Columbia, Canada): January 27th, 2025, 17:00 hrs., Monday.
One (1) submission will be selected to receive the Award.
Date of Announcement:
- Pacific Standard Time (British Columbia, Canada): February 3rd, 2025, BEFORE 17:00 hrs., Monday.
- The Head and the Principal Law Enforcement Officer of the Law Enforcement Agency, as listed in Section 2 of the I.L.E.C.A. Submission Form, will be contacted by the Executive Director of POLCYB via email and by phone.
The POLCYB International Law Enforcement Cybercrime Award (I.L.E.C.A.) is awarded to law enforcement agencies in recognition of exemplary achievements in cybercrime management through innovative collaboration with industry partners. The POLCYB I.L.E.C.A. offers a unique opportunity to showcase the impactful contributions of effective law enforcement-industry partnerships to the global efforts in cybercrime prevention, detection, and response.
We invite law enforcement agencies around the globe to apply for the prestigious POLCYB I.L.E.C.A. 2025.
No Application Fee is required.
The I.L.E.C.A. honours exemplary achievements in one, or more, of the following goals:
- Prevention of Cybercrime
- Detection of Cybercrime
- Response to Cybercrime
The successful submission will have demonstrated effective and innovative partnerships between the law enforcement agency and one or more Industry partners to achieve the above I.L.E.C.A goals.
Applications will be reviewed by the POLCYB I.L.E.C.A. Review Panel which will consist of law enforcement and industry subject matter experts within the international POLCYB network.
Request for POLCYB I.L.E.C.A.2025 Submission Form:
Please contact: [email protected] or complete the Request Form.
Past I.L.E.C.A. Winners
- Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (C.E.O.P.), U.K.
- New Zealand Police, NEW ZEALAND.
- National Crime Squad for England & Wales, U.K.
- Queensland Police Service, AUSTRALIA.
- Surete du Quebec, CANADA.
- Virtual Global Taskforce Initiative (VGT), U.K.
- West Midlands Police Force, U.K.
- Silver I.L.E.C.A.
- Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP), U.K.
- Kerala Police, INDIA.
The I.L.E.C.A. 2025 Award
While entries should be submitted in the name of individuals, the “I.L.E.C.A. Winner” will be presented to the Law Enforcement organization at which the winning initiative/investigation is being undertaken, or was completed.
The International Law Enforcement Cybercrime Award consists of the following:
- For the “Principal Project Officer” of the Law Enforcement Organization:
- All travel and accommodation expenses paid by the POLCYB I.L.E.C.A. to attend the four-day, Annual Policing Cyberspace International Summit 2025 (Annual POLCYB International Summit 2025):
- Summit Dates: 17th – 20th March 2025, (Monday – Thursday)
- Summit Venue: Bangkok Marriott Sukhumvit, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Complimentary Summit Registration.
- Present the Winning Project at the Summit.
- All travel and accommodation expenses paid by the POLCYB I.L.E.C.A. to attend the four-day, Annual Policing Cyberspace International Summit 2025 (Annual POLCYB International Summit 2025):
- For the Law Enforcement Organization:
- The full name of the law enforcement agency will be inscribed on the “International Law Enforcement Cybercrime Award 2025 Trophy” as the “Winner of the I.L.E.C.A. 2025”.
- The Trophy will be presented to the designated representative of the Winner. This could be the Principal LE Member or an alternative designate determined by the law enforcement agency at the Annual POLCYB International Summit 2025.
- For the Principal Industry Partner:
- Complimentary Registration at the POLCYB Summit 2025.
The Principal Project Officer, and / or the Head, of the Law Enforcement Organizations, and the Principal Industry Partner (as listed in Section 2 of the I.L.E.C.A. Submission Form) will be invited to participate at the Press Conference at the Annual POLCYB International Summit 2025.
The I.L.E.C.A. 2025 Gold Winner will be requested to provide an additional Abstract for the purpose of public publication.
General Eligibility
“Cybercrime” in the I.L.E.C.A. programme refers to:
- Cyber-dependent crimes: These are crimes that can only be committed using computers, computer networks, or other forms of information technology, including, but not limited to:
- Hacking or unauthorized access to computer systems.
- Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks.
- Malware distribution, including viruses, ransomware, and other types of malicious software.
- Cyber-enabled crimes: These are traditional crimes that are facilitated or made easier through the use of computers or the internet, including, but not limited to:
- Fraud (e.g., online scams, identity theft, and financial fraud).
- Child exploitation, including the production, distribution, and possession of child sexual abuse material.
- Cyberbullying or online harassment.
- Trafficking and illegal trade (e.g., drugs, weapons, and counterfeit goods conducted over the internet).
The I.L.E.C.A. is open to all Law Enforcement organizations of any size, worldwide.
Law enforcement members from any unit, section, department who have expended their efforts to achieve the I.L.E.C.A. Goals, including those who undertake the work on a volunteer basis, are encouraged to apply.
The initiative/investigation ( “Project” ) could be of a local, and / or national, and / or international nature.
Projects could include which are/were Pilots or Proof of Concepts, ongoing, or completed, e.g. cybercrime prevention public education initiatives.
Projects which involved investigations must be completed PRIOR to the I.L.E.C.A. Submission.
Who are the “Industry Partner(s)”?
- An “Industry Partner” in this award programme is a registered, commercial organization which operates at the local, and / or national, and / or international levels.
- An “Industry Partner” in this award programme does not include organizations which are Crown Corporations.
Judging Guidelines
Submissions are judged on demonstrated innovative approaches in the following areas:
- Leadership role and commitment from the law enforcement organization in creating and leveraging Industry Partnerships through this Project.
- Working effectively within the limits of available resources to develop impactful and efficient Industry Partnerships through this Project.
- Demonstrate proactive and / or innovative collaboration with the Industry sector on a local, and / or national, and / or international level to share resources ( e.g. financial, expertise, information, technological support ) which led to the success of this Project.
- Produced meaningful results which could be used as models for other law enforcement agencies and industry sectors to enhance private-public partnerships in cybercrime management.
- Where applicable, demonstrate innovative approaches or perspectives to measure “success”, e.g. definition of “milestones” or “outcomes”; unique methods to assess, and / or evaluate outcomes.
How to Enter:
- The applicant must represent a Law Enforcement organization at any of the following jurisdictions: Municipal, Provincial or State, Territorial, National, International.
- Applicant must request an I.L.E.C.A. Submission Form from the POLCYB Office: [email protected]
- Each applicant could submit multiple applications for multiple initiatives/investigations by completing a separate Submission Form for each application. Multiple applications could be submitted by the same, or a different, applicant at the same organization.
- Please DO NOT include any information which is deemed Confidential or Protected in the “I.L.E.C.A. 2025 Submission Form”, “Project Abstract”, or “Supplementary Information”.
How to Complete the I.L.E.C.A. 2025 Submission Form:
Section 1: Name, Type(s), and Goal(s) of Initiative or Investigation (“Project”):
1.1. Project Name:
1.2. I.L.E.C.A. Goal(s): Check One or More with “x”:
◻ Cybercrime Prevention
◻ Cybercrime Detection
◻ Cybercrime Response
1.3. Project Goal(s):
2.1. If preferred, please complete only highlighted fields below, then include VCFs for the following individuals with your Submission. VCFs for “Other Team Members” could be attached as needed.
2.2. “Tel: Direct Line”: Due to time zone differences, POLCYB might contact the following individuals by phone after local office hours. Please DO NOT provide General Phone Line of organization.
2.3. Please attach additional list for “Other Project Team Members” as needed.
2.4. “Other Project Team Members” could include members of OTHER Law Enforcement and Industry Organizations. No Signature is required from “Other Project Team Members”.
“Project Abstract”:
Provide a summary of the Project. This should include the Project title, goal(s), target group(s), work undertaken, outcomes, and impact of project upon target group(s).
Format: Maximum Length of Abstract: 1,000 words in total.
- Maximum of 500 words per page. (i.e. maximum of 2 pages in total)
- Font: Times New Roman or Calibri.
- Font Size: 12 point.
- Margins: 1 inch on all sides (default in Word).
- Line Spacing: Single (1.0).
- Paragraph Spacing Before, & Spacing After: 0.
- Document to be submitted in PDF Format.
“Project Abstract” Guidelines:
- State the Goal(s) & Objective(s), Target Groups, and other relevant Project information.
- Illustrate how the Law Enforcement/Industry Partnership in this Project initiated mutual support through working within the confines of available resources ( e.g. sharing of resources &/or information ) in the developmental and operational phases of the initiative.
- Where applicable, demonstrate how this partnership contributed to effectively address any challenges or barriers in this Project.
- Illustrate how this Law Enforcement/Industry Partnership has promoted effective, efficient, and innovative partnerships to achieve the I.L.E.C.A. goals.
- Where applicable, illustrate volunteer efforts on the part of law enforcement member(s) and Industry partner(s) which impacted positively to this Project.
- Where applicable, include Project Milestones, Evaluation Methodologies, Results.
“Supplementary Information” (Optional):
- “Supplementary Information” is not considered as part of the Word Count in the “Project Abstract”.
- “Supplementary Information” could be submitted as attachments, or links to other Project information. E.g. White papers, evaluation reports, press release, new articles, video links, or other information which supports the work or outlines how the outcomes have been achieved, etc.
How to Submit Your Completed I.L.E.C.A. 2025 Application
- Please scan and email all supporting documents. Do not send materials by mail or courier.
- Please DO NOT SEND Original Copies of Supplementary Information.
- All I.L.E.C.A. 2025 Submission Forms, Project Abstracts, and Supplementary Information become the property of POLCYB, and WILL NOT be returned to sender.
- Candidates agree that POLCYB may use the names of the initiative/investigation partners and materials in events which are organized by POLCYB, and authorize POLCYB to duplicate and distribute the information within the global POLCYB network for the purpose of sharing models for private-public partnership.
For Further Information:
Please complete the Request Form, or contact [email protected].